Sunday, August 28, 2011

Simple lunch

This week is grandparents/family week at school. I intend to dedicate at least one lunch to the theme. But tomorrow's is just a simple lunch. I found a Wonder bread square crust remover and sandwich sealer for $3.99 and really wanted to try it out!

She has:
-Pb&J sandwich (I had a little issue with the cutter so it's more of an odd rectangle than a square? But it was my fault, not the cutters! There are some fruit leather flowers on top and the scraps are hidden under the sandwich.
-Turkey and a cheese stick since chances are she will refuse the Pb& steps!
-Pears (Thanks to an awesome friend who picked them and gave us TONS!)
-Watermelon (Supposedly seedless.... I've never seen so many seeds in a watermelon....
I forgot to put the picks in before I snapped the picture....AGAIN!

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